SAM-SR Sample Manager

Single-rack autosampler to collect samples in tubes, capped LC vials, and wellplates.

  • CHANNELS - Simultaneously collect and store samples from 6-8 dissolution vessels
  • VIALS - Pierce through capped LC vials to collect 2mL or 4mL sampling volumes for HPLC analysis
  • GLASS TUBES - Sample into a single rack with standard glass tubes at up to 12 timepoints
  • WELLPLATES - Avoid re-racking and sample into standard LC wellplates
  • HPLC / UPLC - Automatically inject collected samples into your liquid chromatography system
  • SYRINGE - Integrated SP syringe pump module for simple offline systems
  • COOLING - Avoid degradation of samples with integrated cooling


Standard configuration

SAM SR LC configuration sample manager to collect samples in tubes, capped LC vials, wellplates for dissolution testing  from 30 timepoints.

LC Configuration

Syringe configuration


Samples in rack for dissolution tester

A true allrounder.

The SAM-SR is a versatile multi-purpose sample manager that allows for flexible configuration according to different testing needs. Depending on your requirements, the SAM-SR is a simple fraction collector for withdrawn dissolution samples - or an advanced autosampler that automatically injects samples directly into your HPLC / UPLC unit.

LC vials and more.

How would you like to collect your samples? The SAM-SR accepts different style racks including wellplates for collection in capped LC vials or standard glass tubes. Different filling options with cannulas for glass tubes and slitted caps - or with piercing needles for closed caps are available. To prevent carry-over, an integrated washing station ensures automated cleaning of the media bar filling mechanism.

Direct injection.

Turn your SAM-SR into a dual-process manager. A single needle with integrated high-precision syringe sequentially injects collected samples one-by-one into your HPLC or UPLC system - including standard handling. Parallel processing allows to collect new samples while continuing to inject previously collected samples. Optional cooling prevents degradation during buffering.

Integrated syringe pump.

The SP syringe pump module with 6-8 precision syringes can be integrated into the SAM-SR dispensing head for simple ATS XtendTM offline dissolution systems. Suitable for filter porosities down to 1 micron, the space-saving design is an economical alternative for surfactant-free products with limited filtration requirements.


