Media Preparation
Media preparation for dissolution tests is crucial in pharmaceutical research and quality control. This process involves accurately measuring and mixing ingredients, such as buffers, salts, and surfactants, into distilled or deionized water to create a solution that mimics physiological conditions. Heating and constant stirring ensure complete dissolution and homogeneity. The medium's pH is carefully adjusted, as it significantly influences the drug's dissolution rate. After preparation, the medium is filtered to remove any particulate matter. Proper media preparation is essential for reproducible and reliable dissolution tests, which are vital for assessing drug bioavailability and performance.
MP Xtend™
MP Xtend™
The MP Xtend™ media preparation station makes preparing dissolution medium and accurately dispensing desired volumes of heated & degassed medium into dissolution vessels fast, efficient, and compliant. Use as a central media station in your lab or directly fill vessels of dissolution baths with gravimetric volume control.

Dissolution Process.
Dissolution Process.
Did you know that differently prepared medium can influence dissolution results? Tasks such as mixing, heating, degassing and vessel filling are essential to ensure identical test conditions. The MP Xtend™ eliminates potential sources of variation and assists your lab staff to efficiently prepare, de-aerate and dispense medium the same way over and over again with 100 % traceability.

Efficient Media Preparation.
100% Automated.
100% Automated.
The integrated MP-F media station of the ATF Xtend™ allows 100% unattended preparation, heating, and degassing of different dissolution media for multiple dissolution runs - allowing qualified laboratory staff to focus on mission-critical tasks. A complete sequence of multiple dissolution runs is performed automatically including self-cleaning between tests.

For your lab.
For your lab.
Use the benchtop MP Xtend™ as a central media preparation & dispensing station in your laboratory. Accurately fill different style dissolution vessels for multiple test runs. Need to perform pH changes? No problem - you can condition distilled ionized water, heat & degas ready-to-use medium, and prepare fresh medium by mixing concentrates with water.

Flow-Through Cells.
Flow-Through Cells.
You can also use the MP Xtend™ to prepare dissolution medium for your flow-through cell dissolution tests. Whether operated in closed or open loop configuration, the MP Xtend™ is the ideal addition to CE 7smart dissolution systems. It reliably ensures fast & effective de-aeration and accurately dispenses desired volumes of freshly prepared dissolution medium.