19 September 2023

Save time & money with your supplier audits.
SOTAX has an ISO9001-2015 certified global management system that is regularly audited by independent authorities, auditing services providers, and customers.
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19 September 2023
SOTAX has an ISO9001-2015 certified global management system that is regularly audited by independent authorities, auditing services providers, and customers.
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07 September 2023
An extensive collaborative study conducted by a consortium of pharmaceutical laboratories makes a strong case that SOTAX AutoCompliance™ and mechanical calibration can significantly reduce the costs of regularly qualifying your dissolution instruments.
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24 August 2023
Although analytical sieving is the most common test in IPC labs to determine the particle size distribution of powders and granulates, recording multiple weight measurements and protocolling all steps has remained a complicated and error-prone process.
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10 August 2023
Two measurement principles are described in the US Pharmacopeia <1217>: Constant speed ≤ 3.5mm/s or linear force ≤ 20N/s. But comparability is only guaranteed when tests are performed under identical conditions.
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27 July 2023
SOTAX is becoming more sustainable – thanks to the new photovoltaic system at its headquarters.
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20 July 2023
Establishing an in-vitro / in-vivo correlation is challenging in the development and testing of pharmaceutical formulations. A discrepancy leads to difficulties in accurately predicting how the formulation will behave and perform in the human body.
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17 July 2023
When operating your Xtend™ dissolution system without q-doc® or WinSOTAX® plus, you can also export reports as PDF.
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29 June 2023
The heart of every company is its employees and their contributions. Today, we want to introduce you to just a few of the faces worldwide who make up the SOTAX brand.
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22 June 2023
Emerging formulations and novel drug delivery technologies require a revised approach to in-vitro drug release testing. Due to the complex nature of these formulations, extensive testing and development are crucial to ensure patient safety and efficacy.
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25 May 2023
From configurable process drivers to the integration of new testing instruments – the latest software version offers a whole package of new features to make your IPC processes easier and more compliant.
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