ATS Xtend™ Double UV On-/Offline

Share your fraction collector and UV-Vis for online testing and offline collection with your dissolution testers.

  • THROUGHPUT - Double your capacity and perform two dissolution tests in parallel with one UV-Vis and sample collector
  • FLEXIBLE - Alternate between UV-Vis online and offline collection without requiring any system modification
  • SPACE - Minimize footprint requirements of your system by stacking your UV-Vis on two pump modules
  • ONLINE - Single or multi-wavelength analysis from up to 16 vessels simultaneously
  • ANALYZE - High-precision double beam UV-Vis technology (CDD) with reference compensation
  • OFFLINE - Collect dissolution samples from 16 vessels in glass tubes, capped LC vials, or well plates
  • COMPLIANCE - Fully compliant with Pharmacopeia and 21 CFR part 11 requirements


Dissolution process steps with a semi-automated UV On-/Offline dissolution testing system.


Automated filling of vessels avoiding re-aeration. On completion of a test run, vessels are automatically emptied and the entire dissolution system cleans itself.

Up to 16 vessels.

When taking samples from two XtendTM dissolution baths simultaneously, only one UV-Vis spectrophotometer and one dual-rack sample collector are required. Withdrawn samples are automatically filtered and analyzed in the integrated UV-Vis device - or collected offline in glass tubes, capped LC vials, and wellplates.

Video monitoring of the dissolution process in each individual vessel.

Repeatably automated.

The ATS XtendTM dissolution tester automates key steps of your dissolution test - reducing potential sources of variability and increasing productivity of your laboratory. Repeatable sampling positions, pulling force, withdrawn volumes, timing, and filtration ensures highly reproducible dissolution results you can rely on.

Specord UV-Vis High performance double beam photospectrometer with CDD for analysing dissolution samples.

No waiting times.

The ability to immediately analyze up to 16 samples in parallel at each sampling point, provides dissolution results in real-time. To increase data integrity, UV-Vis results are protocolled and reported together with test conditions in one single report. Powerful double beam UV-Vis technology (CDD) with reference compensation ensures highly accurate measuring of all samples.

Dissolution tester USP 1256 Vessel with paddle

Fine filtration.

Flexible sampling and filtration is at the very heart of XtendTM. As different analytical finishes require different filtration techniques, your ATS XtendTM dissolution system handles cannula filters, disc filters, and standard syringe filters. If you collect samples offline for subsequent HPLC / UPLC analysis, the system allows fine filtration with a minimum porosity of only 0.2 microns.

Samples in rack for dissolution tester

Simplified scale-up.

Increasing the capacity of your single XtendTM dissolution tester is easy - simply add another dissolution bath and pump. Modules can be stacked to save space, while validation work is simplified with 100% identical components. Sharing one UV-Vis and one dual-rack sample collector between two baths saves investment costs and benchspace.


AT dissolution tester bath for manual and semi-automated testing.

AT dissolution tester

Xtend™ dissolution bath with flexible sampling & monitoring functions.

Benchtop pump with maintenance-free ceramic piston heads for dissolution tester USP 1256.

CP piston pump

Fast and powerful to push through filters and to handle foaming media.

Double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer for realtime dissolution data

Specord® UV-Vis

High-performance double beam spectrophotometer with CDD.

SAM Sample Manager S for collection samples from 30 timepoints for dissolution tester.

SAM-S sample manager

Dual-rack system to collect samples from two dissolution testers.

WinsotaxPlus Dissolution testing software 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, controlling all aspects of data capture and analysis with customized reporting and exporting.


Dissolution software to manage methods, results, and reports.


Benchtop filter station to automatically change syringe filters for dissolution tester USP 1256.

FS filter station

Automated change of syringe filters for multi-timepoint methods (DR/MR).

Video monitoring of the dissolution process in each individual vessel.


Video monitoring of the dissolution process in each individual vessel.

MPS media preparation station for manual and semi-automated dissolution testing systems.

MPS media station

Mobile media preparation station to heat, degas and dispense in vessels.

Data management software for all methods, results, and users.

q-doc® software

All your data in one place with built-in 21 CFR part 11 compliance.


