ATF Xtend™ LC On-/Offline

Fully automated system for direct injection of collected dissolution samples into your HPLC / UPLC.

  • 100% DIRECT - Injection of samples from multiple dissolution runs directly into HPLC / UPLC systems.
  • 100% AUTOMATED - Run a series of unattended tests over night or over the weekend.
  • 100% TRACEABLE - Program every time point and event of your dissolution profile including media preparation, standard, pH changes, and cleaning.
  • MEDIA - Fully automated media preparation, degassing, and vessel filling with gravimetric confirmation of delivered volumes.
  • TEST - Maximum repeatability with automated sampling, filtration, collection, and direct injection.
  • CLEAN - Validated cleaning procedures that are automatically executed between dissolution runs.
  • FINE FILTRATION - Push through filters down to 0.2 microns for trouble-free LC injection.


Dissolution process steps with a fully automated LC On-/Offline dissolution testing system.


Direct Injection.

Filtration is critical for HPLC / UPLC analysis. The ability to push through filters with a porosity down to 0.2 microns makes the ATF Xtend™ an ideal choice for directly injecting samples into your liquid chromatography system. No more error-prone handling of vials - let your system do the work for you. Reduce the time from collection to analysis to an absolute minimum.

Automated spray cleaning of vessels in AT-F dissolution bath at end of a test run.

100% Unattended.

The ATF Xtend™ is designed for "true" end-to-end automation. It can perform a series of dissolution tests and cleans itself in between runs - without any operator action required. Medium is prepared, heated, and degassed automatically in an integrated tank. Samples are filtered, collected, and sequentially injected into any HPLC / UPLC system. Once the last samples have been withdrawn from the vessels, a validated cleaning procedure is executed and next run starts immediately.

Collect dissolution samples offline with different capacities.

Faster. Stronger. Better.

The integrated high-precision piston pump heads of the ATF Xtend™ allow for very short sampling intervals and ensure trouble-free filtration. Problems typically associated with conventional syringe pumps - such as handling foaming media or pushing through fine porosity filters - are virtually unknown. 

Individual video monitoring of each dissolution tester vessel throughout the test.

Traceable Repeatability.

Automated execution of all steps maximizes repeatability. Dissolution tests are always performed under identical conditions - from media preparation to self-cleaning of the entire system. Integrated protocolling functions provide for complete traceability including gravimetric confirmation of delivered volumes when filling vessels. Advanced functionalities such as in-vessel volume monitoring and CenterView™ video monitoring further add to the traceability of your test results.

AutoCompliance with self-centering dissolution vessels.

Compliance by Design.

From self-centering vessels to data management according to 21 CFR part 11 requirements - the ATF Xtend™ is compliant by design. Powerful q-doc® software allows managing all your methods, results, and users in one system with "built-in" data integrity. Take control of your data and avoid mechanical adjustments by operators with proven AutoCompliance™.


AT-F dissolution bath for fully automated Xtend™ systems.

AT-F bath

Integrated module with vessel filling, sampling, and cleaning functions.

Integrated MP-F media station to heat & degas dissolution media.

MP-F media station

Integrated module to prepare, heat, and degas dissolution media.

Integrated sampling pump for fully automated Xtend™ dissolution systems

CP-F piston pump

Fast and powerful to push through filters and handle foaming media.

CS-F module for automated emptying & cleaning of dissolution vessels

CS-F cleaning station

Integrated module for spray cleaning and emptying of vessels.

SAM Sample Manager S for collection samples from 30 timepoints for dissolution tester.

SAM S sample manager (LC)

Collect samples offline in tubes, capped LC vials, and wellplates.

Data management software for all methods, results, and users.

q-doc® software

All your data in one place with built-in 21 CFR part 11 compliance.


Direct injection of dissolution testing samples into HPLC / UPLC.


Liquid chromatography system for analysis of samples.

Video monitoring of the dissolution process in each individual vessel.


Video monitoring of the dissolution process in each individual vessel.


